Riding Attire

29 Oct

western attire

Riding your horse is only part of showing your horse. Without the correct attire, depending on the discipline, points could be deducted from your score or you could possibly be disqualified from the competition.

The most important to understand is that all disciplines and shows have their own rules for riding attire so make sure you check the rules for the show you want to enter. Western contest attire normally calls for a long sleeve western shirt, western boots, jeans, cowboy hat, and chaps or chinks. Some events allow women to dress in western period dresses. Most English disciplines require riding pants, english boots,riding jacket, and a riding helmet. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons14,466 people were treated with head injuries in 2009. That is why most disciplines will allow or require their participants to ride with a helmet.

Knowing the proper riding attire give you a leg up on the competition and helps make you more confident in the show ring. For more information on riding attire watch the following video:

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Posted by on October 29, 2013 in Advanced riders, horse tack, Novice riders


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