All For Nutrition

26 Nov

Every stage in a horse’s life is important when it comes to nutrition and not every horse needs the same amount of nutrients. For your horse to live a healthy long life, you must give them the required nutrition that they need. The different stages in a horse’s life are very important in deciding what your horse needs. For example, a foal needs their mother’s colostrum(first milk from the mother), and a senior horse might need a joint supplement. A lot of people do not understand the importance of nutrition and they think that wild horses do fine without grain and dewormers. Horses in the wild can live without human care, however they generally do not live as long or as healthy lives as they could. When we, as the horse’s caregivers, put them in our field it becomes our responsibility to make sure they have the correct nutrition. If you have questions about the proper nutrition for your horse contact your veterinarian.

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Posted by on November 26, 2013 in Advanced riders, horse tack, Novice riders


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