Riding Safety

26 Nov


Riding can be very enjoyable when everyone is safe when the ride is over. Sometimes you can’t help the accidents that happen when you ride but you can make yourself a little more safe. The first thing you want to do to make your ride safer is to check you riding equipment. Look for splits and thin places in your leather and check all your snaps and buckles to make sure everything is fastened correctly. The next thing is you should always wear boots with a heel to keep your foot from sliding through the stirrup to prevent you from being dragged behind your horse in case you fall off. The most important safety feature that many people choose not to use is a riding helmet. Riding helmets help to prevent some of the most common and dangerous head injuries. “The EMSA strongly recommends the wearing of a properly fitted ASTM/SEI certified equestrian helmet with the harness secured during equestrian activities. Head injuries account for approximately 60% of deaths resulting from equestrian accidents. Properly fitted ASTM/SEI certified helmets can prevent death and reduce the severity of head injuries sustained while riding.”

Watch the following video for the safety checklist:

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Posted by on November 26, 2013 in horse tack


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